Featured Products of the month
Welcome to our featured products of the month.
Each month we'll keep you up to date with any new products that have been added to the Ultimate Floor Care site. Any products that have changed, and finally any products that are on special offer and ready for you to snap up.
This month we're focusing on a wood filler, line marking paint and a handy tool for measuring.
A 2 component resin filler for filling large holes or gaps in wooden flooring, can be sanded and finished in the usual way.
Pallmann Sports Colour Line Marking Paint
A two component water based line marking paint in traditional line marking colours.
A 2-component polyurethane primer ensuring the optimum bonding between the existing surface and a new top-coat layer without intermediate cross-section.
If you have any questions don't be afraid to contact us and one of our staff will be able to help you.